with this ring: madison & preston // mckinney wedding photography, mckinney flour mill

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I honestly don’t even know where to begin to tell you about Madison and Preston as individuals — how kind, thoughtful and genuine they each are.

And then there is Madison and Preston as a couple and I’m constantly struck by how highly they regard the other. Not to mention their proposal is for real straight out of a movie. But really, Preston flew to GUATEMALA to surprise her (and effectively so) with the proposal.

And then there was their beyond beautiful wedding day — filled with one special thought out detail after another, the Gospel and one crazy dance party.

I’m going to stop there because James just walked into the office doorway and said, “Don’t say too much, babe. The pictures are beautiful.”


The first stop of the day was at the reception venue, the McKinney Flour Mill, to document all of the details that Madison, her family and her bridesmaids had woken up extremely early that day to put together so beautifully.

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Then we headed over to the ceremony site, the chapel at Chestnut Square in McKinney.

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Madison and Preston chose to do a first look to allow for some sweet alone time together and have the majority of their photos taken before their ceremony.

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Favorite. Witness the effortless sweetness that is Preston-and-Madison.

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I love, love, love when reception lighting is bright enough for me to shoot atmospherically. When I’m able to shoot using available light (versus flash) the resulting photos capture the setting and the mood exactly as it was, which as a wedding documentarian, will always be my goal.

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Here comes the most celebratory garter catch I have ever witnessed.

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Madison and Preston, it was an honor to document your day.

Happy Tuesday, all!

2 Responses to “with this ring: madison & preston // mckinney wedding photography, mckinney flour mill”
  1. Cute decor and it looks like they had a blast!

  2. Amber Boles says:

    I think this some if your best work so far. Of course you had great subjects!

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