Tabitha is a student at Aveda Institute Dallas and wanted some photos for her portfolio before she moves to NEW YORK next month for a salon internship! I was pumped to get to photograph something a little bit more fashion-y, and had a lot of fun with it.

Enjoy looking at a few of the shots from Tabitha’s portfolio session from late October.

The above shot is actually Tabitha herself! I didn’t want to send her off to New York without an updated headshot!

Bah! This look was so fun and definitely my favorite. Believe it or not, this model is Tabitha’s little FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD niece. She definitely rocked it out for the shoot.

Goodness gracious, I’m just so excited for you in this upcoming adventure, Tabitha! I wish you all the best in New York!

Ashley and Albert got married on a beautiful October evening in Gainsville — and I’m so pleased James and I were there to document it all taking place.

I recently blogged Ashley and Albert’s engagement photos and talked about how these two laughed through their entire session, and their wedding day was no different. Except for on this day, I was able to see where these two get their jolly nature. They are surrounded by family and friends who were so delighted by the day’s festivities, they were laughing right along with the bride and groom from start to finish.

We noticed a little too late why it was a wee bit, um, warm in the bridal dressing room . . .

Ashley and Albert planned to a special time into their wedding day for a first look — a moment to see each other before the ceremony and have some quiet moments together before the hustle and bustle of the day really got going.

After bride-groom portraits we moved into photos with their beautiful wedding party.

We were finished in time to tuck Ashley and Albert away from guests arriving for the ceremony.

I just thought it wouldn’t be true to the ceremony if I didn’t include the moment when the best man was rewarded for swiping a bee off of the bride’s shoulder mid-ceremony.

So. much. birdseed. So much.

I honestly don’t know how Albert managed to get it all out of his hair before the reception, but he surely did.

After dinner, we indulged in just a few more bride-groom portraits right as the sun set — this time as newlyweds!

 Ashley and Albert, y’all are among some of the loveliest people in my book.

Thank you for letting us be a part of the day y’all became Mr. and Mrs. and for being so, so great to work with.

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