with this ring: kelly + nic // a wedding in black and white

This first image was the original inspiration for this particular post. I loved the clear narrative all wrapped up in a single image — Kelly prepping for her wedding in her parents’ home while the dress she’d wear to walk down the aisle to Nic waited patiently for her to put it on in the next room. Once I had grouped my favorites from Nick and Kelly’s wedding together for a blogpost I soon realized that quite a lot of them were in black and white too. Then it hit me — why not an entire blogpost in black and white?

I appreciate the simplicity of black and white, how with the color gone you’re given the opportunity to pay more attention to the composition of each frame. I’ve also always been drawn to the mood a black and white edit naturally brings to an image. Lastly, I just really enjoyed that narrowing my options down to only the black and white ones forced me down from my usual 200+ image blogposts hahaha.

So here you are. A wedding day in the bride’s small hometown where the warmth from both sides of their families flowed into each and every facet — one example being the Nic’s dad, two little brothers + his cousin making up 4/5ths of the groomsmen.

A story told in black and white.

I will forever love a goofy sibling photo.

I can’t remember exactly what this little boy was yelling, but I vaguely remember it being some form of greeting to Kelly + Nic once the ceremony had started. His laughing eyes and the dad’s sheepish smile are my favorite parts of this one.

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