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Well, in the past month my little brother graduated college (from my alma mater — GO, MEAN GREEN), moved out of his house three miles away from mine and, on Friday, got on a plane to Spain for WHO KNOWS how long.

I’m proud of that guy – -who he is, what he values, that he has goals for himself and is not content to sit still and wait.

Before all of these huge life events though, we took a morning to document his life as it has been lived the past few years. In his home, wearing my PaPa’s hand-me-down button-up, biking the streets of Denton and spending way too much time and money at Loco Cafe.  I don’t know who it was more important to for us to document the end of this season in his life — me or him. It’s been one of my absolute most favorite things living in the same town as Jacob, seeing him often, both on purpose and also unexpectedly. Gosh, he’s grown up so much since he first moved here four years ago.

Also I wanted to take these photos because he is DANG HANDSOME and he needed a new Facebook profile picture on which my mother did not have to (lovingly) comment, “Comb your hair, son!” or just plain *sigh*

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For those of you wondering why my brother is in Spain for an indefinite amount of time, he’s volunteering at my FAVORITE PLACE, Colegio Alfa & Omega Denia. And the bright side of this whole arrangement is that I’ll get to go visit him and help run/document some kids camps there in early July — WOOHOO!!

Gosh, I hope his hair is combed when my mom gets there.

p.s. LITTLE BROTHER, hook me up with a Spanish wedding while you’re in the area, mmkay? Thanks.

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If you know a single fact about any given member of the Williams’ family, it would probably be that they’re a family of runners. They run day in and day out. Just running all over the place, those Williams.

So when the time came for Tim to graduate from high school and he approached me with integrating running into his senior portraits, it just fit. I love the resulting photos from our shoot back in February and couldn’t resist sharing a few on the blog. Enjoy!

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I had no idea what to expect while I was driving to Waco to meet up with Liz to take some senior portraits to mark her final semester at Baylor. I can generally expect people to be nice (note: if you would not describe yourself as a “nice person” please do not hire me to take your photos) and our short e-mails to each other had been pleasant, but this would be my first time to meet her in person.

But looking back after having spent a couple of hours with Liz, I’m not sure if one can adequately prep themselves for the absolute delight that is meeting her. Her excitement is contagious, her beauty abounds inside and out, and she has a warm confidence about her — all of this mixed together made for a highly enjoyable shoot.

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Liz’ little sister Anna was along for the ride, so I snapped a couple sister portraits throughout the shoot too.

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 Best, best, best wishes in graduation and life after, Liz. It was an absolute pleasure working with you.


 Stormi was all-kind-of-adorable at her high school senior photo session from several weeks back.

I swear, red lipstick in itself is inspiring. But add to that a precious, giggly, curl-y haired book-worm like Stormi and this photographer had it made.

We started the session at Recycled  in Denton because Stormi plans on studying literature in college.









After Recycled we hit the road for some sunshine that this lovely day had to offer.




















We finished up with a few shots in Stormi’s brand new prom dress because what’s better than a poofy turquoise dress in the middle of no where?



Stormi, I had so much fun documenting this sweet season in your life and I wish you a-l-l the b-e-s-t in the years ahead!

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