familiar love, McDorman family

Meet Colin, Liz and baby Lucian.

Lucian was consistently a good sport, but his signature look in most of these is sticking out his bottom lip and waiting in expectation. Hopefully I was entertaining enough. I’d hate to have let the kid down.

I don’t care who you are, I think it’s sweet when parents flirt. Jillian Zamora approves parental flirting.

I would love to tell you that what made Lucian’s eyes light up was me, but it was most definitely his toy giraffe, Sophie, that Liz was squeaking behind me. Hey, do what works.

At this point the temperature literally dropped 10 degrees, so baby Lucian had to sport his hood. It does not matter if we’re talking about a baby or Ryan Atwood, there is something about a hood that makes a boy look tough.

Okay, so a hood can look stinkin’ precious too.

At this point, hood or no hood, lil Lucian had just about had it with taking pictures. So Liz and Colin strapped Lucian in the stroller and we took advantage of the opportunity to get some shots of just the two of them.

Contented sigh, I think they are absolutely precious.

McDorman family, it was an absolute pleasure meeting y’all and getting to document a small portion of y’all’s lives.

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  1. […] first debut on the blog was last winter, with his parents, but this time the session was all about Lucian and his first […]

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