dear ‘ol españa

I didn’t really prep the JZP followers very well that I was going to Spain. One day I was all editing in Denton and the next I was all, “Ima-instagram-the-view-of-my-room-in-Spain!”

Let me explain, I had been planning for a little less than a year now to go on the mission trip to Mission, TX at the end of June that I blogged about earlier today. But my parents just kept on and kept on talking about how excited they were to also go on a mission trip to Denia, Spain at the beginning of July. I had just assumed that I wouldn’t be able to do both trips because of my wedding photography schedule so I hadn’t even considered the possibility of returning to Spain (I had gone on this same trip once before during the Summer of 2009). But the more my parents kept talking about it, the more antsy I got to see my Spanish friends at Iglesia Evangélica Bautista La Trinidad de Dénia, love on some campers at the Bible/art/sport/English kids camp and (to be honest) get me some of that Spanish cuisine. So on a whim I checked my calendar. This 10-day span was the only one in my entire summer schedule that didn’t already have a wedding scheduled.

I took this as my sign to go! I was super-sad that James couldn’t come on the trip too but the REASON he couldn’t join is super-exciting — he started classes for his Masters of Fine Art here in Denton during the course of the trip. I suppose that’s been enough writing, so now I’ll let the pictures tell the story:

This was my view of Denia and of the Mediterranean Sea from my room at Alfa y Omega.

Sadly I’ve decided not to post photos of the kids from the camp on the blog, just because I didn’t ask permission from the camper’s parents. But one little face I will post is the daughter of the couple that ran the camp. That curly hair is presssssssshhhhhhhhh.

One evening we were able to walk into town for a couple of hours to see the running of the bulls into the sea. After the bulls run through the streets of Denia they come into this arena where the brave souls inside the arena floor try to entice the bull to jump into the sea.

Don’t worry — the guy in this photo mere inches from the bulls horns did not get gored. And neither did the guy you see jumping into the ocean himself in the next photo. Looks like the bull got a little too close for comfort for him.

(And yes, this was the infamous location where I accidentally dropped my phone between the bleachers and it got picked up before I could retrieve it. Womp, womp.)

I always seize an opportunity to photograph my parents and especially so when we’re in such a beautiful place as Denia. These shots were taken along the road into town from the church.

One afternoon we got to take the campers into town to spend a few hours on the beach! Sidenote: Spain is the only place in the world that I can get a tan (well, as tan as IIIIII can get) instead of a sunburn. Holla.

This was the sunset outside my window on the last day of camp. It was so sad to say goodbye to all of my tiny Spanish friends but incredibly joyful that we had spent a week together learning about Jesus’ love for each and every one of them. That, plus water wars and Texas line-dancing of course.

This photo above may very well be one of my favorites from the trip. I just loved that shirtless, elderly Spanish man walking his dog down the road.

On our final day in Denia we got to spend a lot of time in town — doing some shopping, visiting the local castle and — for me — taking lots of photos.

You caught me. I went to Spain but I just couldn’t stay away from weddings . . .

A friend of mine from my previous trip to Spain was getting married IN DENIA WHILE WE WERE THERE! I went as a guest but couldn’t refrain from snapping a few photos of gorgeous Tamar. (SIDENOTE: I did NOT, however, lean over into the aisle and get in the wedding photographer’s shot. That is a BIG no-no in my book.)

After the wedding it was back into town for the Denia parade. Dude, you haven’t EXPERIENCED a parade until you’ve experienced a Spanish parade.

What was that? You think my parents are super-cute too? I’ll have to agree with you.


The next day we headed back in the direction of the airport and stopped in Toledo for a bit of sight-seeing there.

I just HAD to get a photo of my presh Spanish fan. I had been looking for just the right fan while I was there and when I flipped this one open I immediately squealed and clapped my hands. That’s how I knew it was the fan for me.

And then OH.MY.GOODNESS. we revisited the Catedral de Toledo and it was breathtakingly beautiful.

You could easily get a crick in your neck from looking up at all of the amazing ceilings.

I know this isn’t exactly an epic image to end on, but this was my single macaroon I purchased on the square in Toledo. I thought it was precious and darling and sweet, and therefore I wanted it.

So there you have it — a photographic look into my trip to Spain! Maybe next time I blog it will be actual photos I took from  JZP photo sessions/weddings IN DFW . . . we’ll see!

5 Responses to “dear ‘ol españa”
  1. Debbie Huber says:

    These photos are UH-mazing! After just getting back from a long trip in China, they are the perfect inspiration for tackling all of my travel photos ;]

  2. Krista Swanson says:

    Hi Jillian, I randomly found your blog when I googled Iglesia Evangélica Bautista La Trinidad de Dénia. Great pictures of the church, Denia, etc.!!!!

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] of the things I was most excited for this summer was to introduce James to Pastor Jorge and Denia. I had been twice before but this was James’ first time to […]

  2. […] I will now congratulate you for making it to the end of this lengthy post. If you would like to further lengthy posts of Spain, you can view my photos from last year here, and the ones from the year before here. […]

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